The application deadline for the online MBA programs at University of Alabama at Birmingham (Collat), a public school, is rolling. Eighty-five percent of students are already employed when they first enroll. For these programs, all of the online classes are recorded and archived. Students should...
University of Alabama at Birmingham 美国-阿拉巴马-伯明罕 加入我的选校 区域排名 136 USNEWS 136(QS) 306(泰晤士高等教育) 世界排名 164 USNEWS 901-950(QS) 401-500(上海交大) 录取率测试 在线问答 学校简介本科申请研究生申请研究生专业 测测我的录取率 申请项目 就读年级 下一步已有4409338...
marketing communications(點我看更多) Psychology(點我看更多) Exercise Science(點我看更多) 課程介紹 學校資訊 學校地址: 1720 2nd Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35294美國 學校地點: 美國阿拉巴馬州伯明翰 申請須知 申請條件: 可正規申請 可條件式入學 更多申請資訊請洽達仁留遊學...
University of Alabama at Birmingham′s online programs are among more than 1,800 programs surveyed by U.S. News. Only regionally accredited institutions whose programs are offered mostly or entirely online were evaluated. Learn more about the online programs rankings methodology. Online Programs Rankin...
Alabama A & M University Florida Institute of Technology Redstone Samford University South University Montgomery Troy University Dothan Troy University Montgomery Troy University Phenix City Troy University Troy University of Alabama Birmingham University of Alabama Huntsville (EMBA) ...
阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校 The University of Alabama at Birmingham 学校简介: UAB位于美国阿拉巴马州伯明翰市,是一所四年制本科综合性公立院校,建于1969年,是阿拉巴马大学系统中三个自治大学之一。在历经了40年伯明翰市社会、文化、经济复兴的洗礼后,UAB这所年轻有活力的大学已经蜕变成了一所世界知名的研究型大学和医学中...
阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校(University of Alabama at Birmingham,简称UAB)是一所享有盛誉的公立研究型大学,位于美国阿拉巴马州的伯明翰市。UAB以其强大的医学和健康科学专业而闻名,特别是在生物医学和公共卫生领域上,其卓越的研究成果吸引了众多学者和学生。UAB设有多个学院,包括健康专业学院、商学院和工程学院,提供广泛的本科...
Is University of Alabama at Birmingham the best health school for you? Find out at US News. See if University of Alabama at Birmingham is ranked and get info on programs, admission, tuition, and more.
The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) is located in the heart of Alabama's largest city, occupying 100 blocks in Birmingham's Southside neighborhood. Originally established as an academic extension center in 1936, UAB became an autonomous institution in 1969 and has since developed into a...