“This award is a testament to the incredible teamwork and dedication of our entire team at University of Michigan Health-West,” says Wilda. “It’s a privilege to work alongside such talented individuals who continually drive innovation and excellence in our digital initiatives.”...
西密歇根大学2018年USNews美国最佳大学排名207名,全球大学排名第1059名。西密歇根大学(Western Michigan University)是一所公立综合型大学,位于密歇根州,卡拉马祖市,位于芝加哥和底特律等大城市的中心位置。西密歇根大学于1903年由 Dwight B. Waldo创建,现在共有五个校区,包括位于卡拉马祖的West Campus,East Campus,Oakland...
Western Michigan University 院校类型: 院校隶属: 所在地区:海外 学校网址:www.wmich.edu 学校排名:--- 本文来源:https://daxue.hao86.com/Western Michigan University/ 以上内容是否解决了你的问题: 是,已经解决。 否,尚未解决。 非常感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快解决该问题。
Seattle- a major port of entry and the largest city in Washington; located in west central Washington on the protected waters of Puget Sound with the snow-capped peaks of the Cascade Range and Mount Ranier visible to the south and east; an aerospace and computer center; site of the Univers...
赵世豪的父亲赵金声,毕业於北京师范大学数学系,获西密西根大学(West Michigan University)数学硕士,曾担任希捷科技 …www.worldjournal.com|基于5个网页 3. 美国西密歇根大学 美国西密歇根大学(West Michigan University)是一所四年制公立大学,成立于1903年,位于密歇根州卡拉马祖市。设有文科 …hwxy.hznu.edu.cn|基...
The University of Michigan—Ann Arbor is a public institution that was founded in 1817 and made the city of Ann Arbor its permanent home in 1837. The university’s campus is located just less than 45 miles west of Detroit. More than 40,000 students attend the University of Michigan—Ann ...
Northwestern from 1989 to 1999. She later served as the inaugural Joan and Sanford Weill Dean of the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan where she was also on the faculty of the Economics Department...
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences 麻省药科与健康科学大学* Michigan State Uinversity 密歇根州立大学* Mount Holyoke College 蒙特霍利约克学院 MI College of Contemporary Music 美国MI现代音乐学院* Nazareth University 纳萨勒斯大学*
University of Michigan University of Nebraska University of North Carolina University of Paris University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh University of Sussex University of Texas University of Vermont University of Washington University of West Virginia University of Wisconsin university student universit...
“Best Colleges” list. This year, the University of Michigan was ranked the top value overall, with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill second. The list compares and ranks public and private institutions with an ...