总校区位于 1069 East Meadow Circle,占地 4.6 万平方英尺,设有图书馆、电脑实验室、学生活动中心、办公室、教学楼等设施。 Costa Mesa分校区位于Orange County,学校前身为 Whittier Law School,占地 14 英亩。 认证资质 索菲亚大学自 1998 年以来已获得西部大学联盟协会(WSCUC)的认可,WASC 认证是西部大学的最高级别...
位置:橘郡(Orange County)尔湾(Irvine)市 排名:全美综合性大学第33名(U.S.News 2019) 在校生人数 :35,958 (本科生29,307人) 国际生比例 :16% 课堂大小 :58.4%课堂小于20人 属于加利福尼亚大学系统(University of California)综合实力最为强劲的分校之一,世界著名高等学府和世界顶尖研究型大学。是美国大学协会(A...
【天道世界名校介绍】加州大学欧文分校University of California Irvine 学校网址:www.uci.edu 地理位置UCI位于加州南部的小城Irvine市,位于Orange county(橘子郡)的中心地带,橘子郡是美国很有名的富人居住区,著名旅游胜地.Irvine可以说是一个“订做出来的城市”,由著名建筑师威廉姆·佩雷拉(William Pereira)精心...
University of Central Florida.(ORANGE COUNTY)Sears, Diane
California State University—Fullerton (CSUF) is located in the center of Orange County, about 30 miles from Los Angeles. The school offers more than 50 undergraduate degrees and nearly 50 master’s programs, including those in theMihaylo College of Businessand Economics, theeducation school, and...
The University of California—Irvine, a research institution in Orange County, specializes in areas such as cancer and neuroscience studies in conjunction with the highly rankedUC Irvine Medical Center. Graduate programs are highly regarded at UC Irvine, too, with specialty offerings at thePaul Merage...
-And remember to explore each destination in more detail by clicking the interactive icons included throughout each location. Select an Experience Stanbridge University - Orange County Stanbridge University - Los Angeles Stanbridge University - Riverside Welcome Help us personalize your online ...
University CDP (Orange County)crime rates are 19% higher than the national average Violent crimes in University CDP (Orange County) are 6% higher than the national average In University CDP (Orange County) you have a 1 in 37 chance of becoming a victim of crime ...
橙县 Orange County 橙縣 오렌지 군 オレンジカウンティ 加利福尼亚州旅游推荐 +更多 拉古纳海滩 诺氏百乐坊乐园 亨廷顿海滩 洛杉矶水晶大教堂 66号公路 加利福尼亚州旅游推荐移动入口: 拉古纳海滩 诺氏百乐坊乐园 亨廷顿海滩 洛杉矶水晶大教堂 66号公路 热门旅游目的地推荐 +更多 以色列旅游攻略 顺义旅...