本科招办联系方式:地址:UniSA International University of South Australia, GPO Box 2471, Adelaide, South Australia 5001, Australia邮箱:international.office@unisa.edu.au电话:+61 3 9627 4854传真:+61 8 8302 9121在线申请:http://www.unisa.edu.au/apply硕士招办联系方式:地址:UniSA International University ...
学校地址:The University of Adelaide,Adelaide,South Australia 5005 年均学费39000澳币 雅思要求6.5分 录取率96.9% 学校介绍 阿德莱德大学(The University of Adelaide)简称阿大,位于澳大利亚南部阿德莱德市,是澳大利亚历史上的第三所大学,也是澳洲八大名校(Group of Eight)的盟校成员。自1874年创校以来,阿德莱德大学一直位...
学校类型:公立 大学 建校时间:1874年 在校学生:21015人 国际生比:27% 授课语言:英文 录取要求:雅思6.5分 GPA75分 优势专业:商科 工程 葡萄酒 医学 学校地址:The University of Adelaide,Adelaide,South Australia 5005学校介绍 阿德莱德大学(The University of Adelaide)简称阿大,位于澳大利亚南部阿德莱德市,是...
学校地址:The University of Adelaide,Adelaide,South Australia 5005 年均学费39000澳币 雅思要求6.5分 录取率96.9% 学校介绍 阿德莱德大学(The University of Adelaide)简称阿大,位于澳大利亚南部阿德莱德市,是澳大利亚历史上的第三所大学,也是澳洲八大名校(Group of Eight)的盟校成员。自1874年创校以来,阿德莱德大学一直位...
第一年学校会和Flight Training Adelaide(FTA)共同培养完成。这个专业主要是培养飞行员,但是以后能从事的其实也不只是飞行员这么一条路,例如:飞行培训师或者跨足旅游等行业都是完全可行的。入学要求除了语言雅思6.0(写作和阅读6.0),还有一项对飞行员的特殊要求 - 健康体检。
#9in Best Global Universities in Australia University of Adelaide Subject Rankings #131in Agricultural Sciences (tie) #13in Artificial Intelligence #207in Arts and Humanities (tie) #306in Biology and Biochemistry #221in Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology #139in Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (...
The University of Adelaide is a public university in Adelaide, South Australia, and was founded in 1874. It is the third-oldest university in Australia and is ranked among the top 100 universities globally. The scholarship lasts for 3 years for a Master’s degree and 4 years for a Ph.D....
Universities in Australia Universities in Canberra/ACT Universities in Sydney/NSW Universities in Brisbane/QLD Universities in Adelaide/SA Universities in Hobart/TAS Universities in Melbourne/VIC Universities in Perth/WA Scholarships in Australia Scholarships in Canberra/ACT ...
University of South Australia is one of the top public universities in Adelaide, Australia. It is ranked #=340 in QS World University Rankings 2025. #=340 QS World University Rankings #51-100 QS WUR Ranking By Subject #=132 QS Sustainability Ranking QS World University Rankings Chart Data ...
The University of South Australia (UniSA) is a globally recognised institution offering over 200 world-class degrees to students from around the world. The University is based in the beautiful city of Adelaide – a city which has been ranked as one of the world's most liveable cities by the...