网络德国汉诺威大学医院 网络释义 1. 德国汉诺威大学医院 ... 740 Master Study协调临床研究员、德国汉诺威大学医院(University Hospital Hannover)心血管科临床教授Gunnar Klein报 …|基于2个网页
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LUHLeibniz University Hannover(Germany) LUHLongmont United Hospital(Colorado) LUHLower Umpqua Hospital(Reedsport, OR) LUHLocalized Unilateral Hyperhidrosis(health disorder) LUHLer Ut Høyt(Norwegian: Laugh Out Loud) Copyright, All rights reserved. ...
Autonomous University of Madrid Spain Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Tirreno Settentrionale Italy AutoSafe Limited Hong Kong Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj- Napoca, Romania Romania Babeș-Bolyai University Romania Bahia State University Brazil Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital ...
(TE), post-traumatic stress (PTS) and its possible consequences for the mental state and work ability of physicians at a university hospital.As part of the mandatory psychological risk assessment, n =145 physicians ( n =56 female; 38.6%) were examined at a university hospital in Germany in...
网络瑞士苏黎士大学医院;瑞士苏黎世大学医院 网络释义
Irene’s Italian mentee,Aldo Roccaro, previously worked at the DFCI and has subsequently returned to Italy, where he now a clinical research director at the hospital in Brescia, and amember of the ethics commission. Aldo M Roccaro, Antonio Sacco, Xiaojing Jia, Ranjit Banwait, Patricia Maiso,...
A hospital outbreak of diarrhea due to an emerging epidemic strain of Clostridium difficile. Increased Clostridium difficile-associated disease (CDAD) in a hospital and an affiliated long-term care facility continued despite infection control measu... Kazakova,V Sophia - 《Archives of Internal Medicine...
The article presents a study which examined the incidence of invasive aspergillosis (IA) in a tertiary care university hospital. The study was carried out at the Hannover Medical School in Germany. The study subjects were monitored for five years to examine if they complied with the European ...
Among other factors, leukocytopenia (<1,000/渭L), the use of a central venous catheter and the visceral surgery medical specialty were independently associated with nosocomial VRE infection. VRE imposed a relevant and increasing infection control burden at our hospital....