I just installed the Sims 4 highschool years and I try to click on the food interaction or my sim to do her university homework she freezes in a t pose and it cancels the interaction. Reply 0 + XP Me too #2 Last Hero Post October 2022 Options crinrict Hero @LadySlauson_60 ...
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News and updates about The Sims 4 Discover University Expansion and its core gameplay features and additions.
Was so excited to play the Sims 4 University but starting to hate it very quickly. I like to play multiple households at a time and switch back and forth between them but I don't think this game is meant for that type of gameplay. I moved all the sims from my towns i...
No matter if my sims complete all homework, go to every class, complete term papers, presentations etc. they still get a failing grade for classes. They study on the computer and their skills are at the correct level for each class. This bug makes University worthless.What ...