School Location University High School Isu Campus Box 5300 Normal, Illinois 61790 #451 in National Rankings #18 in Illinois High Schools Nearby Schools Ranked School Unranked School Best Colleges in Illinois Northwestern University #6 in National Universities (tie) University of Chicag...
University High School is a highly rated, public school located in NORMAL, IL. It has 620 students in grades 9-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 14 to 1. According to state test scores, 62% of students are at least proficient in math and 62% in reading. ...
normal/'nɔːm(ə)l/ adj. 正常的;正规的,标准的 n. 常态;正常;标准 我们都知道normal是“正常的”的意思,normal university 不就是“正常的大学”吗?这跟“师范”有什么关系呢? A normal school is a school created to train high school graduates to be teachers. Its purpose is to establish...
英语是Capital Normal University High School。其中的Capital Normal University是首师大的意思,里面就带有...
1. 大学高中 艾文的大学高中(University High School)在全美国排名第八,有许多家长为了能让孩子就读此高中,专门在该校区的居住范围内 …|基于54个网页 2. 美国高校附中 美国... ...University High School美国高校附中(亚利桑那州图森) Raleigh Charter High School 美国罗利特许高中(纽约州罗利...
The International Division of No. 2 High School of East China Normal University (HSEFZ) provides a complete middle school education for the students from various countries.
normal school (redirected fromNormal university) Thesaurus Encyclopedia normal school n. A school that trains teachers, chiefly for the elementary grades. [Translation of Frenchécole normale(so called because the first school so named was intended as a model) :école,school+normal,normal.] ...
“Normal school(师范学校)实际上是译自法语école normale,意为‘标准学校,模范学校’。 叫‘模范学校’是因为这样的学校用标准的课程教授青年教师标准的教学方法,是其他所有学校教学的典范或标准(norm)。 Normal 在这里的意思对于英语是外来的,很多老外也不知道,normal school 这样的用法如今也已经不多见,通常都是...
University high school is a high school meant for students who are very academically driven and have a desire to get an education that is more difficult than the normal school. although the focus of academics at the school is hard, the school also provides amazing resources for extracurricular ...
“Normal school(师范学校)实际上是译自法语école normale,意为‘标准学校,模范学校’。 叫‘模范学校’是因为这样的学校用标准的课程教授青年教师标准的教学方法,是其他所有学校教学的典范或标准(norm)。 Normal 在这里的意思对于英语是外来的,很多老外也不知道,normal school 这样的用法如今也已经不多见,通常都是...