马来西亚理工大学(Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM)是马来西亚著名的国立大学之一。大学主校区位于马来西亚西马南端的柔佛州新山市,占地面积 1177 公顷,在吉隆坡市中心还有一个校区(研究生院),占地面积 38 公顷。 马来西亚理工大学的学科设置覆盖电机工程、化工与自然资源工程、环境建设、民用工程、医学工程、综合科学、...
Tips and guides on scholarships & loans, education fairs information, listing of top universities/colleges of different streams, useful information for foreign students, and latest education-related news.
According to the latest rankings by Times Higher Education, these are the best universities in Malaysia: University of Malaya University Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) University Kebangsaan Malaysia University Putra Malaysia Check out otheruniversities in Malaysia. 3. Learn where to submit your university ap...
Private colleges & private universities in Malaysia that conduct "3+0" degree programmes in collaboratior with foreign universities : "3+0" Status Private Colleges and their collaborative University-Partners Private Higher Education Institute :(Colleges + University Colleges)Awarding University ...
The higher education in Malaysia is largely subsidized by the government. Applicants for admission to public universities must have completed the undergraduate program in Malaysia or being ranked as a STPM. A level of excellence achieved in these tests does not guarantee a place at a public univer...
Higher education as engine of economic growth and regional integration: The emergence of the new APEX university in Malaysia[J]. Speculum, 2010, 65(4):1-14. 4 Morni F, Talip M S A, Bujang F, et al. Notice of RetractionAPEX University: Is it the Malaysian Way Forward?[C]// ...
48.马来西亚登嘉楼大学(Universiti Malaysia Terengganu) 49.马来西亚博特拉大学(Universiti Putra Malaysia) 50.马来西亚理科大学(Universiti Sains Malaysia) 51.马来西亚敦胡先翁大学(Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia) 52.马来西亚北方大学(Universiti Utara Malaysia) ...
Education systemMalaysiaUniversity buildingsUniversity building usersPerformanceSatisfactionsThe education system in Malaysia is presented in this chapter. How education is funded and managed is also discussed. Furthermore, the connection between the performance of buildings and quality education was outlined. ...
1. There are many higher education options in Malaysia If you have completed or are about to complete your secondary schooling, chances are you would be considering further education. Some of you may be considering education abroad but let us first explore the many higher education options availab...