graduate education, research and public service. The university provides superior and comprehensive educational opportunities at the baccalaureate through doctoral and special professional educational levels. The university contributes to th...
(10)Philosophy, Politics and Economics 哲学,政治和经济学 (雅思7.0,写作6.0;或托福100, R20, L20, S20, W23) (11)University College Roosevelt 罗斯福大学学院 (雅思7.0,写作6.5,或托福94) (12)University College Utrecht 乌特勒支大学学院 (雅思7.0;或托福100) 本科申请要求: 高中在读或毕业,高考成绩达到...
College of Pharmaceutical Sciences 医药学 学费20767欧元/年 9月开学,有一定的数理化基础,雅思6.0(写作5.5分以上),托福83 University College Roosevelt罗斯福学院学费8843欧元/年Autumn&Spring 统计学,艺术学,语言学内容,有入学面试 University College Utrecht 乌特勒支学费10500欧元/年 Autumn&Spring 理学,人文,社会学 ...
不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia,又译“英属哥伦比亚大学”等),简称UBC,位于加拿大温哥华市,始建于1908年,前身为麦吉尔大学不列颠哥伦比亚分校(McGill University College of British Columbia),于1915年获批独立,加拿大U15研究型...
Expected Pay Scale Minimum: $134,000.00 Maximum $141,000.00 Job Summary The College of Pharmacy is recruiting for a tenure-track Assistant/Associate Professor of Social and Administrative Sciences. Primary Purpose 1. Responsible for assisting in the establishment of curriculum, subject matter, and ...
1 SVS institute of Pharmacy, Ramaram, Warangal-Andhra Pradesh, India 2 University College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kakatiya University, Warangal, A.PTo achieve effective ophthalmic therapy, an adequate amount of ingredients must be delivered and maintain at the site of action with in the eye. ...
the new main building of the university was inaugurated amid extensive building that continued until the end of the century. The university library, the Zoological Museum, the Geological Museum, the Botanic Garden with greenhouses, and the Technical College were also established during this period. ...
②艺术、人文及社会科学学院College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences ,人类学Anthropology,艺术Art,犯罪学Criminal Justice,紧急事件管理Emergency Management,英语English,法语French,德语German,历史History,人文学Humanities,传媒Mass Communication,现代与古典文学Modern and Classical Languages,音乐Music,哲学...
哈勃文理学院(Harpur College of Arts and Sciences)是宾汉姆顿大学中成立最久也是最大的教学单位,是该校主要研究型学科和专业的聚集地,继承了该校1946年建校时的主体部分。该校1965年成为纽约州立大学体系一员后,学校为纪念其前身哈勃学院,将主体学院命名为哈勃人文与科学学院。该学院分为3个学部、下辖26个学...