学校地址 University Address 英国University College Birmingham Summer Row Birmingham B3 1JB 常见问题 Q&A 1. 语言课和专业课可以一起上吗? 2. 本科、硕士、博士可以无英语成绩(雅思、托福等)条件录取吗? 3. 硕士学位中的课程型、混合型、研究型学位是什么意思? 4. 我的学校,已经改名怎么办,合并怎么...
NameAddressDistance (KM) Birmingham-Southern College 900 Arkadelphia Road, Birmingham, AL, 35254 - Strayer University-Alabama 2 20th Street North, #150, Birmingham, AL, 35203 3.032 Nunation School of Cosmetology 3112 Ensley Avenue 5 points West, Birmingham, AL, 35208 3.598 Fortis Institute-Birming...
Unitemps University College Birmingham Find a job Advanced Options Company Name: Unitemps UCB (‘the Company’) Company Contact details: Unitemps UCB, Ground Floor, Hired@UCB, Moss house, Birmingham, B3 1QH Telephone: 0121 232 4452 Data Protection Officer: Amin Pradhan Email: dataprotection@ucb....
Industrial and Product Design Information Technology Interior Design Journalism Landscape Architecture Law Marketing, Other Mechanical Engineering Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions, Other Music Technology Music, General Photographic and Film/Video Technology/Technician and Ass...
University of Registration:University of Birmingham 博士项目名称:了解骨骼肌适应的计算模型框架 伯明翰大学简介: 伯明翰大学(英语:University of Birmingham)是一所于1900年创立在英格兰伯明翰市的英国大学。是英国第一所“红砖大学”,亦为英国顶尖学府。作为罗素大学集团(Russell Group) 创始成员之一,该大学的历史可追溯...
Supporting University College Birmingham to create a hub for sustainable construction education Birmingham, UK Milton Keynes’ first fossil fuel-free ‘all-through’ school Milton Keynes, UK Supporting the University of Cambridge through a major relocation UKServices...
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The University of Birmingham (informally Birmingham University or Birmingham) is a British Redbrick university located in the city of Birmingham, England. It received its royal charter in 1900 as a successor to Birmingham Medical School (1825) and Mason Science College (1875). Birmingham was the ...
Address: 1101 Camden Ave, Salisbury, MD 21801-6862 Phone: 410-543-6000 Website: https://www.salisbury.edu/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Salisbury-University/122620361558 Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/salisburyuSalisbury University Majors 46 Majors With Completions 1,798 Undergradu...
Address:清源北路 19号, 北京, 大兴区, 北京市 102617 Categories:buildingandeducation Location:Beijing,North China,China,East Asia,Asia View on OpenStreetMap Latitude 39.7459° or 39° 44' 45" north Longitude 116.31961° or 116° 19' 11" east ...