college 指的是大学生获得学士学位的学院,规模较小; university 除了颁发学士学位外,也颁发硕士与博士学位,校园内会有研究设施、研究所,规模较大。 例句: ● Shirley is at a teacher training college. 雪莉就读于师范学院。 ● Henry was excited about his being admitted to the University of Washington. 亨利...
Washington Continuum College 学院官网 学院项目 MS -Computational Linguistics 基本信息 学分 43 项目时长 9 courses 学费估算 $36,980/年 GMAT Code 暂无 托福/GRE Code 4854 申请截止日期 秋季 常规 3月1日 申请信息 项目官网查看该项目详情 计算机工程学院 ...
college 指的是大学生获得学士学位的学院,规模较小; university 除了颁发学士学位外,也颁发硕士与博士学位,校园内会有研究设施、研究所,规模较大。 例句: ● Shirley is at a teacher training college. 雪莉就读于师范学院。 ● Henry was excited about his being admitted to the University of Washington. 亨利...
online programs global universities rankings global universities universities in africa universities in asia universities in australia/new zealand universities in europe universities in latin america search for global universities advice studying at global universities studying at a u.s. college studying at ...
例如,藤校之一的达特茅斯学院( Dartmouth College), 还有大家熟知的波士顿学院(Boston College), 威廉玛丽学院(College of William and Mary)都属于综合性大学。 而文理学院中,也又名称用university的,例如历史悠久的文理学院,华盛顿与李大学(Washington and Lee University)。此外,普通高等院校中还有校名用institute,例如...
因为经济原因我申的公立大学比较多,其他录的有uiuc, osu, psu, umass, Colorado College, UCI, UCSD(waitlist转正), 雪城,里海,凯斯西储(waitlist转正),匹兹堡,和加拿大的UBC。在高中的时候是想学生化医学方向,UW是第一个waitlist录取的,所以定了UW 说实话,UW是让我有些失望的。 首先,我以为我是waitlist...
online programs global universities rankings global universities universities in africa universities in asia universities in australia/new zealand universities in europe universities in latin america search for global universities advice studying at global universities studying at a u.s. college studying a...
Research and scholarship at WSU is rooted in agriculture, natural for a land-grant university. The institution's first leader, George W. Lilley (1891-1892), was both president of the then named Washington Agricultural College and School of Science and director of the Washington Agricultural Experi...
The academy was renamed Normal College in 1851 and then Trinity College in 1859 because of support from the Methodist Church. In 1892, Trinity moved to Durham, largely due to generosity from Washington Duke and Julian S. Carr, powerful and respected Methodists who had grown wealthy through the...
including the Cullen College of Engineering, the Conrad N. Hilton College of Hotel and Restaurant Management, a graduate school ofsocial work, a law centre, and colleges of technology, optometry, andpharmacy. The university offers a wide range ofundergraduate, graduate, and professional degree progr...