学校网站www. ucls.uchicago.edu 美国留学http://www.liumeinet.com 圣蒂莫西女子中学 St. Timothy's School 麻省顶尖高中推荐 学校介绍 一、学校优势: University of Chicago Lab Schools中文名为芝加哥大学实验学校,位于伊利诺伊州芝加哥市。该校拥有很强的学术能力,强调分析和解决问题的能力。芝加哥大学实验学院以...
芝加哥实验大学附属学校University of Chicago Lab School 学校地址1362 E 59th St #205, Chicago, Illinois 60637 所在 州伊利诺伊 Illinois 学校性质男女混合校 成立时间1896 年级设置PK-12 在校人数2004 师生比例1:8 AP 课程9门 SAT平均分1880 学校网站http://www.ucls.uchicago.edu/ 美国留学http://www.liu...
University of Chicago Lab School is a private school located in Chicago, IL. The student population of University of Chicago Lab School is 1,930. The school’s minority student enrollment is 57.0% and the student-teacher ratio is 10:1. Tuition & Financial Aid $38,376 Yearly Tuition* Fees...
University of Chicago Lab School Class of 1964
Policy,它隶属于芝加哥大学Harris school of public policy,是Computer Science Department和Harris School...
John Dewey established an experimental school in 1896 at the University of Chicago. He and his wife Alice were involved with the school until 1904 when they left Chicago. Dewey wanted to put into practice his ideas about education, test these ideas, and encourage what we now call action ...
Get information on University of Chicago at US News. Find out where the university is ranked globally based on its academic reputation and research.
University of Illinois High School 1212 W Springfield Ave Urbana, Illinois 61801 Nearby Schools Ranked School Unranked School Best Colleges in Illinois Northwestern University #6 in National Universities (tie) University of Chicago #11 in National Universities (tie) Uni...
The university is made up of anundergraduate college and multiple graduate divisions and professional schools. Several University of Chicago graduate schools are highly ranked, including the Booth School of Business, the Law School and the Pritzker School of Medicine.The highly regarded University of ...
事实上芝加哥大学的CS系是有教授的,Grad School的排名也是不错的。但是这些教授会给PhD上课,也会给...