A struggling Australian university has enlisted an old hand as interim vice-chancellor it as it battles a funding crisis and governance concerns. Stephen Parker has accepted a short-term role at the helm of the University of Canberra (UC), where he spent almost a decade as vice-chancellor unt...
校长(Vice-Chancellor & President)则是学校的行政首长,在校务委员会的授权与监督下,负责学校的实际营运和行政团队管理。 校监 澳大利亚国立大学历任校监皆由德高望重的政要名流或学者出任。过去也曾由诺贝尔奖得主和卸任的澳大利亚总理担任。除了主持校务委员会外,校监亦在毕业典礼上负责主持学位颁授仪式。 现任校监(2010...
校务委员会的主席由ANU校监(Chancellor)担任;副主席由副校监(Pro-Chancellor)担任。校长(Vice-Chancellor & President)则是学校的行政首长,在校务委员会的授权与监督下,负责学校的实际营运和行政团队管理。 校监 澳大利亚国立大学历任校监皆由德高望重的政要名流或学者出任。过去也曾由诺贝尔奖得主和卸任的澳大利亚总理担任...
校务委员会的主席由ANU校监(Chancellor)担任;副主席由副校监(Pro-Chancellor)担任。校长(Vice-Chancellor & President)则是学校的行政首长,在校务委员会的授权与监督下,负责学校的实际营运和行政团队管理。 校监 澳大利亚国立大学历任校监皆由德高望重的政要名流或学者出任。过去也曾由诺贝尔奖得主和卸任的澳大利亚总理担任...
校务委员会的主席由ANU校监(Chancellor)担任;副主席由副校监(Pro-Chancellor)担任。校长(Vice-Chancellor & President)则是学校的行政首长,在校务委员会的授权与监督下,负责学校的实际营运和行政团队管理。 校监 澳大利亚国立大学历任校监皆由德高望重的政要名流或学者出任。过去也曾由诺贝尔奖得主和卸任的澳大利亚总理担任...
Crisp, Office of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leadership and Strategy acting associate director Kirsten Tapine, Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Paddy Nixon, Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation cultural director Richie Allan and UC student Shaenice Allan. Photo: University of Canb...
Vice-chancellor Peter Rathjen said that expanding to Melbourne, the fastest-growing city in Australia, will open the university to the world. "People would love to do a University of Adelaide degree but they want to live with people who understand their ethnicity or their culture," he said. ...
Marnie Hughes-Warrington, ANU deputy vice-chancellor (academic), said the new approach would be fairer than relying solely on ATAR scores. "We looked around the world; we've done it with an Australian twist so it's quite transparent, and we have published the schedule (database)", Hughes...
prizewinners among its faculty and alumni, and is even run by a Nobel laureate. Brian Schmidt – who won the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics (with Saul Perlmutter and Adam Riess) for providing evidence that the expansion of the universe is accelerating – is the institution’s vice-chancellor. ...
Because, as Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Paddy Nixon says, “It’s important to do world-class research – but it’s even more important that the research is relevant, and impacts the real world.” There are five faculties at UC, offering undergraduate, postgraduate and higher degre...