" the state lives up to it name. Alaska, "The Last Frontier," is America's largest state but has relatively few schools of higher education. Most Alaska colleges, community colleges and universities are located in or near Anchorage, which ...
It highlights the three main branches of the far-reaching University of Alaska system including the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) and University of Alaska Southeast (UAS). Its unique and distinct strengths, and course offerings are also explored.Freeman...
The largest university by far in the state is the University of Alaska with a total enrollment of over 30,000 distributed among its three campus locations in Anchorage, Fairbanks and Juneau. It is pretty remarkable to see a university with that many students given that the US Census Bureau re...
University of Alaska-Anchorage Rankings University of Alaska-Fairbanks Rankings University of Alaska-Southeast Rankings University of Arizona Rankings University of Arkansas Rankings University of Arkansas-Fort Smith Rankings University of Arkansas-Little Rock Rankings University of Arkansas-Monticello Rankings Un...
The 127-mile stretch between Anchorage and Seward is designated as a national forest scenic byway, offering astounding views of the glaciated Kenai Mountains. After heading out from Anchorage, make a quick pitstop at the Turnagain Arm Pit Shack for some roadside BBQ and Southern-style fried okra...
We can help you with more college selection questions. For a look at the most influential universities in a given discipline, visit our Custom College Ranking tool. Back to top The Most Influential Universities & Colleges by State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut ...
Univ. of Alaska Anchorage D (1954) [S] Anchorage, AK Seawolves ♦Great Northwest Athl. Conf. 2 Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks R2 (1917) [S] Fairbanks, AK Nanooks ♦Great Northwest Athl. Conf. 3 Univ. of Alaska Southeast B (1972) [S] Juneau, AK (No intercollegiate sports) 1 Ari...
University of Alaska System Anchorage Fairbanks Southeast (Juneau) return to top Arizona American Graduate School of International Management American Indian College of the Assemblies of God Arizona State University Arizona State University East Arizona State University West DeVry University-Phoe...
Still, the vetoes sparked a wave of protests around the state, calling on lawmakers to reverse the cuts. Doing so, though, is more difficult in Alaska than any other state in the country. It would have required a three-quarters vote of the legislature -- 45 of its 60 members -...
The figure above shows the average undergraduate GPAs for four-year American colleges and universities from 1983-2013 based on data from: Alabama, Alaska-Anchorage, Appalachian State, Auburn, Brigham Young, Brown, Carleton, Coastal Carolina, Colorado, Columbia College (Chicago), Columbus State, CSU...