Webometrics sendiri telah dipercayai oleh beberapa orang dalam penilaian kampus atau universitas di Indonesia. Lembaga itu tentukan rangking situs toto kampus berdasarkan 4 hal yakni visibility, impact, openness, dan excellence. Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh bukan jadi hal yang...
The research ranking refers to the volume, impact and quality of the institution's research output. The innovation ranking is calculated on the number of patent applications of the institution and the citations that its research output receives from patents. Finally, the societal ranking is based ...
For those of you who are still new to this rating system, it may paint a better picture that the current best university in Indonesia is University of Indonesia and it has topped the range of world ranking 601-800. Knowing this comparison, it is certainly imaginable that the top list of ...
Menjadi Salah Satu Kampus Terbaik Indonesia Memiliki reputasi terbaik Top 8 di Indonesia, Univesitas ini mempu mengalahkan beberapa perguruan tinggi ngegeri di indonesia. Binus University juga menjadi salah satu perguruan tinggi Swasta yang masuk dalam Top 8 Indonesia University. Dengan kualitas pendid...
Located in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, it aspires to become an international university of excellence by 2029. The university is committed to providing education, research, and community service to help people achieve happiness and well-being. Universitas Mercu Buana offers a wide range of programmes, and...