EVOLUCIÓN DE LAS AULAS VIRTUALES EN LAS UNIVERSIDADES TRADICIONALES CHILENAS: EL CASO DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL BÍO-BÍO. (Spanish).The new technological changes have clearly affected pedagogy in Tertiary Education, particularly on the teaching practices. Nevertheless, the most evident changes of...
Mind42 lives from advertising revenue. Pleaseenable advertisementsor get an ad-free account. Sign uporsign into like or comment on this mind map Bases de Datos de Bilbiotecas Virtuales de la Universidad Técnica de Ambato 2195 views
An谩lisis comparativo de las redes sociales establecidas en los foros virtuales de aprendizaje en la Universidad de Lleida (UdL)Both Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the communication tools, synchronous and non-synchronous, that ICT offer are being us...
This research aimed for presenting a collaborative learning as a methodology proposal as well with a changing role for students and teachers, when applied to virtual environments. In order to accomplish this project's task, a previous bibliography research was run, this reviewed infor...
APRENDIZAJE EN AULAS VIRTUALES DE ESTUDIANTES DE ENFERMERA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DEL ECUADORdoi:10.31243/ei.uta.v8i1.1876.2023Introduction: Virtual classrooms are platforms that allow the grouping of a series of digital resources, which facilitate online learning in man...
University of Nebraska. Part 4: Phenolic Based AntioxidantseOrganicCanal Eorganic
Motivación y pertenencia al grupo en las Comunidades Virtuales de Aprendizaje en la universidad. Estudio comparativodoi:10.21071/edmetic.v10i2.12998Virtual Learning Communities (from now on, VLC) show a broader vision of education and through them, we try to improve...
Elementos clave de la administración de programas académicos. Gestión de postgrados virtuales en la Universidad EANThe main focus of this research study is the management of postgraduate academic programs offered at Univerdsidad EAN in virtual learning. The management ...