The methodology used in this investigation combined the comparison of study plans and programs, as well as the statistics of institutions that work with these issues. Semi-structured interviews were also conducted with teacher-researchers of higher education institutions in Mexico City and the states ...
Mexico: ANUIES. Google Scholar Gandlgruber y Taboada, 2007 Gandlgruber, B. y Taboada E. (2007). Antécédentes. La economía institucional y la importancia de las propuestas contractuales basadas en conocimientos y de la sîntesis institucional en el estudio de la empresa, (pp. 15-28)....
A lo largo de 2024, los rectores de las universidades públicas madrileñas han alzado la voz en diferentes ocasiones contra la falta de financiación que estaban sufriendo por parte de la administración Comunidad de Madrid, presidida porIsabel ...
This article reviews the concept of governance, and its evolution and application for institutions of higher education in Mexico, as well as the role (transcendent or not) that rectors play in guiding their institutions. The text is based on the analysis of interviews conducted with twelve rector...
14. Diplomado en Dirección Estratégica de Ventas Universidad Adolfo Ibañez Escuela de Negocios Mexico 15. Maestría en Mercadotecnia y Comercialización Estratégica Universidad Panaméricana Facultad de Ciencias Economic...
Gestão Ambiental nas Universidades Públicas Federais: A Apropriação do Conceito de Desenvolvimento Sustentável a Partir da Agenda Ambiental na Administração Pública (A3P) / Environmental Management in the Federal Public Universities: The Appropriation of the Concept of Sustainable Developm...
The seeming conflict of ordinances between the budgetary and financial ordinances, defined under Law 30 of 1992 and the description given in Article 4 of the Decree 111 of 1996, Organic Statutes of the Budget, must be addressed from the perspective of judicial hermeneutic, as well as contemplated...
T. (2006). "Disminuyendo brechas entre las universidades publicas estatales en Mexico: una evaluacion del financiamiento publico entre 1988 y 2003", Gestion y Politica Publica, vol. 15, num. 1, pp. 145-168.Mungaray, A., Ocegueda, J. M., y Ocegueda, M. T. (2006). Disminuyendo ...
The study explores the academic profession by analyzing the experiences of part-time faculty in three public universities in Mexico. We used 56 semi-structured interviews to understand the perspectives of part-time faculty toward their forms of participation in the workplace. This study derives from...
the dircom in the HEIs, given by occupying management, leadership or communication direction positions, there is also a lack of standardization of nominative aspects of the role of the professional in the different institutions, finding substantial differences in countries su...