Estilos de aprendizaje de estudiantes de medicina en universidades latinoamericanas y espanolas: relacion con los contextos geograficos y curriculares. Educ Med 2009; 12: 183-94.Diaz, G., Mora, S., Lafuente, J., Gargiulo, P., Bianchi, R., Te- ran, C., Gorena, D., Arce, J., y ...
INTRODUCTION: Non-transmissible chronic diseases are a main cause of morbimortality in Chile and worldwide. Although its etiology is multifactorial, risk factors for these diseases are likely to be modified. These ones act by long terms of time before the appearance of a non-transmissible chronic...
LA PRESENCIA DE LAS HUMANIDADES EN LAS CARRERAS DE ODONTOLOGA DE LAS UNIVERSIDADES DE CHILE Y DE ESPAAdoi:10.14201/rmc.31418It has been argued that the presence of humanities in the curriculum, allows for a comprehensive student training. This would ultimately foster a better relati...