La Pontificia Universidad Católica deChile(UC) se ha colado por primera vez entre las 100 mejores del mundo, pasando de 103 a un nuevo máximo de 93. -La Universidad deChilepasa de 159 a 139. - Sin embargo, a pesar de estos re...
Evolucion de las universidades chilenas 1981-2004. Rev Med Chile 2004; 132: 1543-9.Cruz-Coke, R. (2004). Evolucion de las universidades chilenas 1981-2004. Revista Medica de Chile, vol 132, n. 12, pp 1543-49, diciembre 2004, Santiago-Chile,...
Transportation cost functions: a multimodal approach Sergio Rodolfo Jara Diaz, Departamento de Obras Civiles, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 5373, Santiago, Chile. (Dissertation in the Department of Civil Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 U.S.A.)....
the study was performed in 490 undergraduate students from medical schools of the universities of chile (santiago, chile), nacional de cuyo (mendoza, argentina), san francisco xavier (sucre, bolivia), zaragoza and pa铆s vasco (spain). the instrument used was the honey-alonso learning style ...
Website : Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile- Escuela de Administración Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile- Escuela de AdministraciónAv....
Thus, the perceptions of the management teams regarding the students attending six courses at three private massive universities in Santiago, Chile, regarding their students' body are analyzed. It is concluded that students in these universities are characterized by common features,...
A presentation by Archbishop Jean Louis Bruguès, Secretary of the Congregation for Catholic Education, delivered at the Salón de Honor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in Santiago, Chile on March 24, 2009, is discussed. Archbishop Bruguès touches upon the topics of the Church's...
Prevalencia al nacimiento de aberraciones cromosomicas en el Hospital Clinico de la Universidad de Chile. Periodo 1990-2001. Rev Med Chile. 2003;131(6):501- 8.NAZER J, ANTOLINI M, JUAREZ ME, HUBNER ME, CIFUENTES L, CASTILLO S, PARDO RA. Prevalencia al nacimiento de aberraciones cromo...