About Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH) The Universidad de Santiago de Chile is one of the nation's largest state universities. Combining a view to the future with a rich heritage of 150 years of educational service, the university's highly trained staffs prepares undergraduate and gradua...
Universidad de Santiago de Chile 作者:Fuente Wikipedia 页数:24 ISBN:9781231460542 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价
Planetario de Santiago - Universidad de Santiago de Chile - UsachPlanetario Chile 3.0 热度 今日已闭园 明日11:00-17:00开放 实用攻略 Av. Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins 3349, Estación Central, Región Metropolitana, 智利 地图·周边
A Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH) conta com mais de 160 anos de história. Trata-se de uma instituição comprometida com os princípios e valores que contribuem a formar cidadãos responsáveis, assim como também construí uma sociedade mais justa e sustentável. ...
Universidad Central de Chile Santiago, ChileJobs Discover similar universities Find out more about studying, research and jobs at these universities suggested Global New Uzbekistan University Tashkent, Uzbekistan Chongqing University China Chongqing University is one of the leading universities in South ...
About Universidad de Chile Universidad de Chile is the most prestigious university in Chile and the largest of the public ones. With more than 40,000 students (undergraduate and graduate), 320 academic programs, 3,867 faculty, and 19 schools and institutes, the University has... Read more Uni...
Get information on Universidad de Chile at US News. Find out where the university is ranked globally based on its academic reputation and research.
Master Engineering Studies Civil Engineering Mining Engineering Master in Mining Introduction About the School Ask a Question Save Compare Universidad de Chile (The University of Chile) Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile DURATION Request duration
In turn, this study proposes intervention hypotheses based on the Behavior Change Wheel which appears as a useful strategy for the design of intervention campaigns.#Two focus groups were organized with students from Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH). The focus groups gathered information ...
中文名:智利天主大学 英文名:Universidad Católica de Chile 国籍: 民族:施華加查度 身高:178 体重: 未知 出生日期:席尔瓦.加哈尔多 出生地区: 未知 毕业院校: 未知 职业:运动员 代表作品: 未知 详细介绍:智利天主教大学(Universidad Católica de Chile)创建于1888年,位于Alameda 340,Santiago,Chile。是智利八...