The Universe Isn’t Locally RealFacebookPinterestX分享How physicists proved the Universe isn’t locally real – Nobel Prize in Physics 2022.Alain Aspect, John Clauser, and Anton Zeilinger conducted groundbreaking experiments using entangled quantum states, where two particles behave like a single unit...
California Consumer Privacy Statement Use of cookies/Do not sell my data Scientific American is part of Springer Nature, which owns or has commercial relations with thousands of scientific publications (many of them can be found at Scientific American...
When starting a new environment, you callenv.reset(). Universe environments run in real-time, rather than stepping synchronously with the agent's actions, soresetis asynchronous and returns immediately. Since the environment will not have waited to finish connecting to the VNC server before returni...
Today there are many translations of the Gospel of Thomas that, theoretically speaking,shouldgive us a chance to understand the interpretation mentioned in its first sentence. Unfortunately translators did not quite understand what the Gospel of Thomas is about. They did not understand themselves and ...
not a science. Physical reality bears no resemblance to the standard model of cosmology and vice versa. ΛCDM is an abject scientific failure and it desperately needs to be relegated to the dust bin of history if cosmology is to ever become a real science rather than a playground for self-...
The Schwarzschild solution admits one parameter, the mass, which can be positive or negative. What is the meaning of the negative mass solution? Negative mass is an intriguing idea. Negative mass, to be physical, must satisfy the dominant energy condition. This condition asserts that locally, ...
Starting from p -adic string theory with tachyons, we introduce a new kind of non-tachyonic matter which may play an important role in evolution of the Universe. This matter retains nonlocal and nonlinear p -adic string dynamics, but does not suffer of negative square mass. In space-time...
It also works well if you only have an intermittent network connection because the definitions are stored offline, locally on the device. And we managed to keep data offline without needing a massive app download. There is also a "word of the day" with our pick of the most interesting and...
population of objects with different luminosities, at large distances we will only see the more luminous objects (the fainter ones will not be detected); hence the average luminosity will appear to increase with distance, but this is just an observational effect rather than the real state of ...
Then there’sTronwhere he has the dual roles of Alan Bradley, a programmer at ENCOM Boxleitner and Tron, a security program developed by Bradley to self-monitor communications between the MCP and the real world. It’s an amazing dual for him. He’d reprise, in voice, so I supposed in ...