Journal of Mass Media Ethics: Exploring Questions of Media MoralitySteiner, Linda. 2010 . “The Value of (Universal) Values in the Work of Clifford Christians.” Journal of Mass Media Ethics 25: 110–120.Steiner, L. (2010). The value of (universal) values in the work of Clifford ...
In an increasingly globalized world, threatened by resource depletion, global warming and pollution, scientists in general and the chemists in particular are obliged to rapidly integrate ethical values into their work. This article shows that the codes of ethics are a valuable aid in this process....
Grounds for Morals Usually, in the philosophical literature ethics is differentiated from morals, being defined as the rational analysis of value-loaded statements and their validity. Morals, on the other hand, are a set of practical statements or opinions about values usually treated in moralistic ...
The cardinal principles of ethics in the practice of psychotherapy comprising of autonomy, beneficence, justice and non-maleficence are well known. This paper advances the position that ethical principles must be viewed within the prism of sociocultural forces that shape and influence them rather than...
The primary care movement has been driven by the global values of equity, social justice, and solidarity and aims to create universal health care for all.34 Increasingly, it is realized that effective primary care, regardless of its location, is best situated within a dynamic integrated health ...
Trump. The Allied Universal security professionals at Butler Memorial Hospital are commended for the services they provided in support of the Secret Service, local law enforcement and healthcare professionals following the transport of former President Trump to the hospital for treatment. Security ...
Cultural values embodying universal norms: a critique of a popular assumption about cultures and human rights. Bioethics and Professional EthicsUniversal Declaration on Bioethics and Human RightsIn Western and non-Western societies, it is a widely held belief that the... JB Nie - 《Developing World...
, are randomly initialized in the hypercube {U}^{{n}_{s}}([\,-\,\mathrm{1,1])}. The threshold values {\theta }_{j} can also be chosen arbitrary. Then, neuron j“fires” in response to stimulus {{\bf{x}}}_{i} if its membrane potential exceeds the threshold, ...
In addition to egos with heterogeneous tie strengths, all studied communication channels contain a smaller fraction of egos who distribute their communication more homogeneously among alters, leading to smaller values ofdand narrower activity distributions. Indeed, the distributionpdof the dispersion ...
Particular Myths, Universal Ethics: Wole Soyinka\\\"s The Swamp Dwellers in the New Nigeria Particular Myths, Universal Ethics: Wole Soyinka's The Swamp Dwellers in the New Nigeria PATRICK COLM HOGAN In Myth, Literature and the African World, Wole... Hogan,P Colm - 《Modern Drama》 被引...