Unitarianism the beliefs, principles, and practices of the Unitarian denomination, especially its doctrine that God is one being, and its emphasis upon autonomous congregational government. — Unitarian, n., adj.See also: Protestantism the doctrines of those, including the Unitarian denomination, who...
Embracing universal beliefs Warmth, informality contribute to growth of Unitarian ChurchDiego Ribadeneira, GLOBE STAFF
UNIVERSAL UNITARIAN CHURCH, LIMITED 企业编号 0057061 企业状态 已告解散 成立日期 1977-12-06 企业类型 私人股份有限公司 解散/不再是独立实体日期 1994-12-30 备注 已告解散(被除名) 一键解锁【UNIVERSAL UNITARIAN CHURCH, LIMITED】信息 加入购物车 立即解锁 官方文档30 是否购买 全部类型 公告年份 序号标题类...
one can go to an excellent imitation of the mass, or sit under a virtual Unitarian, and still be within its fold. This beautiful tolerance, however, only means that the Church has found it necessary to make itself an open common, where every one can put up his own booth...