With an annual or season pass, you'll enjoy special discounts and perks throughout the park. Experience a new way to play in SUPER NINTENDO WORLD™. Soar across The Wizarding World of Harry Potter™. Face the fierce Indominus rex in Jurassic World. L
Costco出售的环球影城年票 Gold Annual Pass价格很划算,和一次票价格差不多,只是有些日期不允许使用,如果是节假日想去的小伙伴们建议看一下。 必玩项目推荐 DreamWorks Theatre Featuring Kung Fu Panda 梦工厂剧院之功夫熊猫 功夫熊猫主题项目内部投影映射、360°环绕立体声音频和清晰的身体感知等先进视觉效果和高端技...
One day of fun is never enough! Save up to $50* on an Annual Pass online! Save up to $50* on an Annual Pass at Universal Studios Hollywood when you buy online. Rediscover a new way to play, learn more spells, and escape fierce dinosaurs again and again. ...
Welcome to Universal Studios Hollywood! Learn more about our incredible theme park attractions in California such as The Wizarding World of Harry Potter™ and much more!
Get Ready for the Ultimate Hollywood Movie Experience! Go behind-the-scenes on the world-famous Studio Tour to explore real film sets where Hollywood movies are made. Plus, hold on tight for the Studio Tour’s grand finale, Fast & Furious — Supercharged
The first is simply buying an Annual Pass. If you live in Southern California, this is pretty much a no-brainer, as the lower tier is cheaper than multi-day tickets to USH. As noted, we are Universal Studios Hollywood Annual Passholders even though we live much closer to Disneyland and...
Buy Universal Studios Hollywood discount tickets from $55.75! Lowest Price Guaranteed and Best saving up to $50. Get Fan Fest Nights tickets from $69.93!
Universal Studios Hollywood offers cheaper Express Pass than we often see at Universal Orlando. But over at Universal Orlando, you have the option of staying atUniversal Orlando resort hotelswhich include access to Express Pass in your stay so that does balance things out a bit!
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter™ 入园之后直奔最近也是最火的 Harry Potter 的场区,这个场区有很多小店,有黄油啤酒(但不是酒精饮料),还有两个项目。 那时候没有什么人排队,直接一路走到底直接开始玩 Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey™。这个项目很火,速度很...
好莱坞环球影城(Universal Studios Hollywood) 位于美国洛杉矶市,是游客到洛杉矶的必游之地。欢迎点赞、投币、关注。侵删。