32 我有点怀疑是你提取BIOS的那个bin文件有问题。。。不过我的机器也是0.6提取出来有问题,后来千辛万...
uefitool(同名)、Universal IFR Extractor 第一个很好查找,第二个是我找了好多天在一个外网论坛找到的...
Utility that can extract the internal forms represenation from both EFI and UEFI modules. - Universal-IFR-Extractor/main.cpp at master · chunbee/Universal-IFR-Extractor
Utility that can extract the internal forms represenation from both EFI and UEFI modules. - Universal-IFR-Extractor/CMakeLists.txt at master · chunbee/Universal-IFR-Extractor
Universal IFR Extractor 0.7 提取BIOS UEFI 组件设置项,用于通过 Grub2 setup_var 等工具设置 Hidden Options UEFI DXE2020-11-22 上传大小:647KB 所需:50积分/C币 Macast投屏软件 v0.7 源码包.zip Macast投屏软件 v0.7 源码包.zip 上传者:qq_27489007时间:2024-03-25...
Universal IFR Extractor Universal IFR Extractor 0.5版 for windows,win10上测试也能运行,支持将EFI和UEFI的模块转换成文本文件。 上传者:phoebus_gen时间:2015-09-12 BIOS刷写工具.zip 1、备份原版BIOS,可以通过进入EFI-Shell 使用fpt64.efi 工具进行备份 或使用编程器进行备份 备份命令:fpt64.efi -D w-nvr3...
IFR Extractor LS v0.3 Utility to extract the internal forms representation from both EFI and UEFI drivers/applications into human readable text file. A fork of Donovan6000's project with bugfixes and additions. Original code by Donovan6000, rewritten UEFI.cpp by TomRus88, fixes and additions by...
static TCHAR appName[] = TEXT("Universal IFR Extractor"); static TCHAR appName[] = TEXT("IFRExtractor LS"); HWND hwnd; MSG msg; WNDCLASSEX wndclass; @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PSTR szCmdLine, // Create window hwnd = CreateWind...
IFR Extractor LS Utility to extract the internal forms representation from both EFI and UEFI drivers/applications into human readable text file. A fork ofDonovan6000's projectwith bugfixes and additions. Original code by Donovan6000, rewritten UEFI.cpp by TomRus88, fixes and additions by DeathBrin...