Numerically, women are disproportionately affected by the conditionality regime for main carers of children within Universal Credit. Under this new benefit, couples have to nominate as 'responsible carer' the person in the household primarily responsible for the care of dependent children. Lone parents...
How many hours do you have to work on Universal Credit? You won't be expected to take a job that would mean working more than16 hours per weekand you won't need to spend more than 16 hours per week looking for work. Can you get Carers Allowance and Lcwra?
Hi all, just looking for a bit of advice on the migration to Universal credit from legacy benefits.I am self employed, have been for 25 years however in the last 10 years I have struggled with my health. Now I am questioning why I have to earn the same
The government has reviewed legal cases reversing past positions and not appealed court decisions allowing the Department to reinstate housing benefit for 18-21 year olds, exempted kinship carers from changes to the Child Tax Credit element of Universal Credit, and announced measures to protect 500,0...
The Invisible Carers: Framing Domestic Work(ers) in Gender Equality Policies in Spain European Journal of Women’s Studies, 14 (3) (2007), pp. 265-280, 10.1177/1350506807079014 Google Scholar Piasna and Spiegelaere, 2021 A. Piasna, S.D. Spiegelaere Working time reduction, work-life balance...
Craig, P.; Katikireddi, S.V. Early impacts of universal credit: The tip of the iceberg?Lancet Public Health2020,5, 131–132. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Painter, A.; Thuong, C.Creative Citizen, Creative State: The Principled and Pragmatic Case for a Universal Basic Income; Royal Society...