BDP-103D摇控器前面板采用拉丝工艺,K9则采用镜面流光工艺。BDP-103D摇控器略沉于K9摇控器,两者同样是为了强化本地播放体验而设置了更多可以一键调控的功能按键,并突出了各自对各自核心功能模块的操控,如DARBEE技术、字幕、音轨、屏占比等的设置。由于是背光式摇控,在暗光环境下,可以避免误操作。 系统 BDP-103D采用...
This is a Blu-ray player for Windows. It can load videos from Blu-ray discs, Blu-ray folders or IFO files.
BDP-103D保持着自CD机以来,国人都非常熟悉的碟机造型,四边棱角分明而边角平滑,通体采用合金钢机身,配合LED显示屏、镀金端子接口,体积为430×311×79mm,净重4.9kg重量,整机金属感十足,做工显得厚重、扎实。略沉的机身也让人对OPPO的组件和价位多了几分踏实感或物有所值的信心。 K9延续了Q9次世代方正硬朗的外观,初...
OPPO UNIVERSAL BLU-RAY PLAYER BDP-105.The article evaluates the Oppo Universal BDP-105 Blu-ray player.EBSCO_bspTech Trader
At $499, the BDP-93 is certainly not the cheapest Blu-ray player out there, but when it delivers truly reference quality playback, it seems like an absolute steal! I sincerely doubt that in any double-blind listening test, any person would be able to tell the BDP-93 and ...
ray player ($995), the firm began to explore a more upscale market. What set the BDP-95 apart was that it was not merely a “hot-rodded,” sonically tweaked version of a standard Oppo player; rather, it was a unique, dedicated high-end model with a distinctive configuration all its ...
Having discovered that I could send music files from a hard disk drive or USB pen to a DAC via my Oppo BDP-105EU Blu-ray player without needing to have a computer in operation, it was time to have a play. The highest resolution my then d... - Hi-fi news & record review 被引量...
Cambridge Audio is launching its first universal Blu-ray player, the 650BD, at the CEDIA Show in Atlanta, USAWhen you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works. Selling for $779 in the US, the 650BD will handle Blu-ray, DVD...
类型:蓝光播放器光盘格式:Ultra HD Blu-ray,Blu-ray,Blu-ray 3D,DVD,DVD Audio,SACD,CD多媒体格式:MKV,FLAC,AIFF,MP3,JPG输出:HDMI × 2(其中一组只能输出音频),SPDIF 同轴,光纤,模拟立体声 RCA,模拟立体声 XLR,模拟 7.1 声道 RCA输入:RJ45 网络线,USB A 2.0(面板),USA A 3....