文本是教程"The Universal Approximation Theorem for neural networks" by Michael Nielsen 的笔记。 Universal approximation theorem 为什么MLP可以拟合任意的函数? 我们考虑一个最简单的神经网络,最后一层是sigmoid函数: 事实上这就是一个线性函数,然后经过sigmoid扭曲为一条曲线,显然,b决定了不同截距,从而导致sigmoid位...
通用近似定理(Universal Approximation Theorem):令ϕ(⋅)是一个非常数、有界、单调递增的连续函数(激活函数),x是一个D维实数向量[0,1]D,C(x)是定义在x上的连续函数集合(输入是长度为D的向量,每个维度的值都是0到1之间的实数)。 对于任意给定的一个函数f∈C(x),存在一个整数M,和一组实数u,b∈R以及...
万能近似定理(Universal Approximation Theorem) 如果一个前馈神经网络具有线性输出层和至少一层隐藏层,只要给予网络足够数量的神经元,便可以实现以足够高精度来逼近任意一个在 ℝn 的紧子集 (Compact subset) 上的连续函数。
在多维函数中,类似地,通过空间划分,构造足够多的分段函数,并调整权重,近似任意函数。参考资料:1. Pay Attention to What You Need: Do Structural Priors Still Matter in the Age of Billion Parameter Models?2. Understanding the Universal Approximation Theorem 3. The Universal Approximation Th...
Most existing universal approximation results for fuzzy systems are based on the assumption that we use t-norms and t-conorms to represent "and" and "or." Yager has proposed to use, within the fuzzy systems modeling paradigm, more general operations based on uninorms. In this paper, we show...
Universal Approximation Theorem for Interval Neural Networks One of the main computer-learning tools is an (artificial) neural network (NN); based on the values y (p) of a certain physical quantity y at several points x (p) =( x 1 (p) ,..., x n (p) ), the NN finds a dependen...
Lecture 2 | The Universal Approximation Theorem Ysgc关注赞赏支持Lecture 2 | The Universal Approximation Theorem Ysgc关注IP属地: 宾夕法尼亚州 2019.10.10 11:18:42字数530阅读3382 is the threshold of the first gate, larger is yes (output 1), smaller is no (output 0)...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_approximation_theorem In themathematicaltheory ofartificial neural networks, theuniversal approximation theoremstates[1]that afeed-forwardnetwork with a single hidden layer containing a finite number ofneurons(i.e., amultilayer perceptron), can approximatecontinuous...
Universal Approximation Theorem 保存副本 登录注册 技术支持 x y a2 ab 7 8 9 ÷ 功能 ( ) < > 4 5 6 × |a| , ≤ ≥ 1 2 3 − A B C π 0 . = +
Yager, R.R.; Kreinovich, V. Universal approximation theorem for uninorm-based fuzzy systems modelling. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 2003, 140, 331-339. [CrossRef]R. R. Yager and V. Kreinovich, "Universal approximation theorem for uninorm-based fuzzy systems modeling," Fuzzy Sets Syst., vol. 140,...