Breast Reconstruction and Lymphedema: Chang DW, Kim S (Univ of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Ctr, Houston) Plast Reconstr Surg 125:19-23, 2010§The goal of this article was to define lymphedema as a disease entity, to introduce the American Lymphedema Framework Project, and to summarize current ...
Locoregional Control According to Breast Cancer Subtype and Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Breast-conserving Therapy: Swisher SK, Vila J, Tucker SL, et al (The Univ of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Ctr, Houston) ...
Qigong Improves Quality of Life in Women Undergoing Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer: Results ofa Randomized Controlled Trial: Chen Z, Meng Z, Milbury K, etal (Fudan Univ Shanghai Cancer Ctr, China; The Univ of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Ctr, Houston; etal) Cancer 119:1690-1698, 2013 ...
Biology, Treatment, and Outcome in Very Young and Older Women with DCIS: Alvarado R, Lari SA, Roses RE, et al (The Univ of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Ctr, Houston) Ann Surg Oncol 19:3777-3784, 2012§doi:10.1016/j.breastdis.2013.04.016A.J. Swistel...
Cost of Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy: Deshmukh AA, Cantor SB, Crosby MA, et al (The Univ of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Ctr, Houston) Ann Surg Oncol 21:2823-2830, 2014§mini-ethnographypersonnel retentionknowledgeclinical competence
Listening to Placebo in Clinical Trials for Female Sexual Dysfunction : Bradford A(Univ of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Ctr, Houston) J Sex Med 10:451-459, 2013 §Sexual DysfunctionPlaceboClinical Trial DesignHypoactive Sexual Desire DisorderFemale Sexual Arousal Disorder...
Biology, Treatment, and Outcome in Very Young and Older Women with DCIS: Alvarado R, Lari SA, Roses RE, et al (The Univ of Texas \\{MD\\} Anderson Cancer Ctr, Houston) Ann Surg Oncol 19:3777-3784, 2012doi:10.1016/j.breastdis.2013.04.016A.J. Swistel...