61 RENAL CLEARANCE OF URIC ACID(CUA) DURING DEVELOPMENT IN THE PUPPY. S t a p l e t o n , F.B. and Arant, B.S., J r . Univ. of Tenn. Center f o r Health Sci. ,Memphis, TN,USA The human kidney e x c r e t e s u r i c acid(UA) by glomerular f i l t r...
Diestellt eine Restriktionskarte des pN187 und Derivate und Lokalisierungen von mini-Tn 10 kan Insertionen dar. pN187 ist ein Derivat des pGJB103, das ein 8,5-kb Sau3Al-Fragment der chromosomalen DNA des H. influenzae Stamms N187 enthält. Die Vektorsequenzen sind durch schraffierte...
mdash; Plant and animal mitochondria promote the aerobic oxidation of diphenylacetaldehyde (DPAA). This process is accompanied by chemiluminescence and rotenone-insensitive oxygen uptake. Tn rat liver and potato tubers, mitochondrial swelling is concurrently detected. Light emission and oxygen consumption ...
Dr. June is currently Director of the Center for Cellular Immunotherapies at the Perelman School of Medicine, and Director of the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy at the University of Pennsylvania. His researchfocuses on developing ways to enhance the ability of the natural immune system to...
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