Induction of DNA repair and apoptosis by rod outer segments in human RPE cells: Bernard F. Godley, Gui Fang Jin. Univ. of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX 77555doi:10.1016/S0891-5849(99)90886-9ELSEVIERFree Radical Biology & Medicine...
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Pedlatrlu d Mlcmblology, The Unlvenlty of Texas Medlcal Branch, Galveston. Texas. ~ e r t a l nchllcken with x-linked h ~ m l ~ b ~ l lhamve ibe~en a h w e d to be c h w l c a l l y infected wlth e n k o v i ~ s W. e rqxxt e v l m e n t o ...
Univ. of Texas, Dallas,Univ. of Texas, Dallas排名,大学查询大学查询 国内外大学信息查询海外的大学Univ. of Texas, Dallas 院校类型: 院校隶属: 所在地区: 海外 学校网址: 学校排名: --- 本文来源: of Texas, Dallas/ 以上内容是否解决了你...
The revelation of a communication under the above circumstances is not a breach of trust or a violation of professional ethics; as stated in the Principles of Medical Ethics of the American Medical Association (1957), section 9: "A physician may not reveal the confidence entrusted to him in ...
Pedlatrlu d Mlcmblology, The Unlvenlty of Texas Medlcal Branch, Galveston. Texas. ~ e r t a l nchllcken with x-linked h ~ m l ~ b ~ l lhamve ibe~en a h w e d to be c h w l c a l l y infected wlth e n k o v i ~ s W. e rqxxt e v l m e n t o ...