[ARIE-L] [ILL-L] New Ariel Address for Univ of Southern California (OCLC: CSL) Gabe Vincent Mon, 15 Nov 2010 09:48:20 -0800 Hello - *Please excuse the cross-postings* We recently had to replace our Ariel receiving workstation. Our NEW Ariel address is: Thanks, Gabe ...
Automated license plate readers installed for Binghamton University appear to record vehicle information of people driving in the city of Binghamton and the village of Johnson City. The university hasn't answered specific questions about the controversial Flock Safety devices that were set up at locatio...
Observations on the Distribution and Ecology of the Littoral Ascidians of the Mainland Coast of Southern California We established growth conditions to allow routine culturing of somatic cells in 24 well microtiter plate format. Evaluation of the wheat and barley cell su... RC Fay,JV Johnson - Do...
Dr. Nikolaidis joined the University of Southern California Viterbi School of Engineering in 2018 as an Assistant Professor of the Computer Science Department. He directs the ICAROS lab, which focuses on theoretical and experimental frameworks that enhance the robustness and effectiveness of human-robot...
After months of debating how to address student loan debt, BidenannouncedAug. 24, 2022, that he would waive $10,000 of federal student loan debt for individuals earning less than $125,000 or couples earning less than $250,000. The plan extended an additional $10,000 in relief to those...