as well as support for other renewable energy sources. Arizona is also working to reduce the amount of water used in energy production, by encouraging the use of water-efficient technologies.
[Cowden Hall, Northern Arizona Univesity].Unknown
课题组刘树伟博士和博士生郑雅晶为论文共同第一作者,邹建文教授和刘树伟博士为共同通讯作者,课题组成员、资环院李兆富教授和美国生态学会亚洲分会主席、北亚利桑那大学(Northern Arizona University)骆亦其教授参与了该项研究。 研究发现,在全球平均1.5 °C的升温强度下,陆地生态系统温室气体甲烷和氧化亚氮的年排放量增加了...
Authorities at Binghamton University say the body of a student was discovered outside the 15-story library tower on the Vestal campus. In a statement, University President Harvey Stenger said police and the Harper's Ferry student ambulance service were sent to the building early Monday morning. ...
North Dakota State College of Science North Dakota State University Northeastern State University Northeastern University Northern Arizona University Northern Illinois University Northern Michigan University Northwestern College Northwestern University Norwegian University of Science and Technology ...
In a separatelawsuitfiled Sept. 29 in U.S. District Court, Arizona attorney general Mark Brnovich alleged that the Biden administration's use of the HEROES Act to cancel student debt is unconstitutional and unjustified. The case is ongoing. ...