内华达大学( University of Nevada)位于美国内华达州的瑞欧市,是一所历史悠久的公立研究型大学。内华达大学的教学资源非常丰富,科研实力雄厚,每一年美国的联邦政府和州政府都会给该校大量的资金。有数据统计,内达华大学的研究经费是整个内华达州所有大学经费的一半以上。有雄厚的资金实力,内华达大学也培养出了各领域的卓越...
Offers a look at the food service operation of Chartwells at the University of Nevada in Reno. Enhancements in the food service; Kinds of foods served; Remarks from the director of dining and conference services.BondMarianFoodService Director...
Mineral processing fundamentals. Annual review for 1973 : Herbst, J Univ. Utah, Salt Lake City, USA Smith, R Univ. Nevada, Reno, USA Somasundaran, P Columbia Univ. New York, USA 1F, 45R. Mining Engineering, AIME, V26, N2, Feb. 1974, P77–80...