Automated license plate readers installed for Binghamton University appear to record vehicle information of people driving in the city of Binghamton and the village of Johnson City. The university hasn't answered specific questions about the controversial Flock Safety devices that were set up at locatio...
University of Michigan College of Literature, Science and the Arts University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI Awarded in April 2018 Dr. Hakansson has made numerous contributions to the development of mass spectrometry techniques for identification and analysis of modifications and structural characterization of...
22 THEUNIVERSITY TheUniversityofCaliforniaisoneoftheworld’sleadingacademic institutions.Theschool,knownthroughouttheworldas“Cal,”istruly aprototypeofacontemporaryuniversity.Itattractswhatmanyconsider thefinestapplicantpoolinthecountry,generatesanethnicallyand culturallydiversestudentpopulationoncampus,andprovidesoneofth...
Dr. Nikolaidis has made seminal contributions in the field of human-robot collaboration. His well-known work on human-robot cross-training during his graduate studies at MIT was the first work that underlined the importance of learning and accounting for human preferences in collaborative tasks, an...