If FGCU manages to get past the Gators, it would face the winner of the Kansas Jayhawks vs. Michigan Wolverines. Winning the second game would earn the FGCU Eagles a trip to the Final Four. Regardless of whether or not the Eagles make it past the Gators this weekend; they have taken o...
Football games at Michigan regularly draw crowds of over 90,000. Basketball’s national collegiate championship game is a TV (54) on a par with(与……相同或相似)any other sporting event in the United States, (55) perhaps the Super Bowl itself. At any given time during fall or winter ...
22 THEUNIVERSITY TheUniversityofCaliforniaisoneoftheworld’sleadingacademic institutions.Theschool,knownthroughouttheworldas“Cal,”istruly aprototypeofacontemporaryuniversity.Itattractswhatmanyconsider thefinestapplicantpoolinthecountry,generatesanethnicallyand culturallydiversestudentpopulationoncampus,andprovidesoneofth...