University of Maine 2020 USNews美国大学排名:202 学校性质:公立(4年制) 无宗教 现任校长:Dr. Joan Ferrini-Mundy (President) 学校网址 电话:2075811865 学校所在地:168 College Avenue, Orono, ME, 004469 本科生秋季截止日期:Feb 1/Rolling ...
SALES NEAR $1 MIL. YEARLY: New facility adds catering capacity to Univ. of Maine.Reports that the University of Maine in Orono, Maine renovated a dining facility and converted it into a venue for special events called Wells Catering and Conference Center. Features of the catering center; ...
University of Maine 学校性质: 公立(4年制) 无宗教 现任校长: Dr. Joan Ferrini-Mundy (President) 学校网址: 学校所在地: 168 College Avenue, Orono, ME, 004469 本科生秋季截止日期: Feb 1/Rolling 转学生秋季截止日期: July 1/Rolling 研究生截止日期 关于...