Univ. of Colorado Hospital Completes Deal with Poudre Valley Health SystemIn a move that could shape the future of health care in ColoradoSprings, University of Colorado...Wineke, Andrew
Reports that the United States Health and Human Services (HHS) inspector general office has ended its Physicians at Teaching Hospitals audit at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in 1998. Results of the audit; Background on the University of Colorado system; How the auditing was ...
The role of CT and MRI in staging of the mediastinum: Grover FL. Colorado Univ. Health Sciences Ctr., Denver VA Medical Center, Denver CO, Chest, 1994:106:Suppl:391S-6SLung Cancer Study Group (LCSG) Protocol 883, the comparative study of the results of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) ...
Award of Three Single-Source Expansion Supplements to The University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Aurora, CO, The University of Massachusetts (Institute for Community Inclusion) in Boston, MA, and The University of Minnesota (The Research and Tra...
Finite integral method applied to some problems of structural mechanics: Tawil, M M Ph D thesis, Colorado Univ, 1976, 250Pshigella sppstate of paráantimicrobial resistancediarrheaINTRODUCTION: Shigella spp. are Gram-negative, nonsporulating, rod-shaped bacteria that belong to the family ...