A new study by Yale University and the University of Calfornia San Diego can give us some explanations(解释). Scientists studied the genes(基因)of almost 2,0000 people. Some of these people were friends. Others were simply strangers. Scientists found that friends had m 1 genes in common(...
Molecular hematology and oncology, UC San Diego, USA Xiaoting ZHANG Cancer Biology, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, USA Lei ZHENG Oncology, Johns Hopkins University, USA Shu ZHENG Surgical oncology, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, China Xue-ping ZHOU Plant pathology, College of...
Dr. Thaiss received a Bachelor of Science from the University of Bonn, Germany, in 2010. He then moved to the US where he completed his Master in Immunology and Microbiology at Yale University in 2012 working with Richard Flavell and in collaboration with Wolf-Dietrich Hardt at Swiss Federal ...
22 THEUNIVERSITY TheUniversityofCaliforniaisoneoftheworld’sleadingacademic institutions.Theschool,knownthroughouttheworldas“Cal,”istruly aprototypeofacontemporaryuniversity.Itattractswhatmanyconsider thefinestapplicantpoolinthecountry,generatesanethnicallyand culturallydiversestudentpopulationoncampus,andprovidesoneofth...