In 1947, American sports legend Jackie Robinson—who held a lifetime batting average of .311—became the first African American to play Major League Baseball since the 1880s. As the only Black player of the era, Robinson endured heckling and threats. "Plenty of times I wanted to haul off ...
Cheongju Baseball Stadium1.56公里 清州古印刷博物馆1.94公里 白峰公园1.43公里 Seowon Park650 米 Ochsaem525 米 Munam Park4.56公里 Solbat Park2.24公里 Cheongju Museum of Art (main building)2.21公里 Bongmyeong1公里 CBNU Library703 米 Hansol1.29公里 ...
22 THEUNIVERSITY TheUniversityofCaliforniaisoneoftheworld’sleadingacademic institutions.Theschool,knownthroughouttheworldas“Cal,”istruly aprototypeofacontemporaryuniversity.Itattractswhatmanyconsider thefinestapplicantpoolinthecountry,generatesanethnicallyand culturallydiversestudentpopulationoncampus,andprovidesoneofth...