1.提取Unity-Chan Toon Shader 2.0附带的项目,并直接在文件夹下搜索该文件。 下图使用版本。 2.安装Unity-Chan Toon Shader 2.0并打开Unity项目。 3.在Unity Project窗口中打开Assets文件夹。 从系统的文件管理器或文件所在窗口拖放到Unity Project窗口的Assets文件夹中。 5.“导入Unity包”窗口打开后,导入所有文件。
Unity-Chan Toon Shader(UTS) is a toon shader for images and video that is designed to meet the needs of creators working on cel-shaded 3DCG animations. Unity-Chan Toon Shader(简称UTS)是一套适用于Cel-shaded的3DCG动画的图片和视频的卡通shader。 This Toon shader is configured to easily produce ...
上一期我们共同学习了UnityChanToonShader的基本设置,这回我们以Unity酱为例,对人物进行着色器的设置。我们UnityChanToonShader版本以UTS v2.0.6为准,Unity酱的模型我们可以在AssetStore下载,也可以在Unity酱的官网下载。UTS2基本上可以实现插画中Unity酱的表现。在UTS2中,交换着色器还可以对应各种各样的灯光,具有多数...
本文将会围绕主要光照展开进行介绍,后续将会尝试自制一个shader作为本人二次元实践用的shader,以方便后续的渲染测试使用,源代码为:UniversalToonBodyShadingGradeMap.hlsl。 在渲染光照着色器前面代码比较简单,基本都是数据准备,大多数用到lit.shader,我们在这边便简单过一下即可: 数据准备: 准备法线:(在Demo中几乎没有法...
Unity-Chan Toon Shader 2.0 (UTS2) is a toon shader for images and video that is designed to meet the needs of creators working on cel-shaded 3DCG animations. Unlike other pre-render toon shaders, all features can be adjusted in real time on Unity, which is the greatest feature of UTS...
Unlike other pre-render toon shaders, all features can be adjusted in real time on Unity, which is the greatest feature of UTS2. UTS2 has great power and makes a wide variety of character designs possible, from cel-shaded to light novel illustration styles. UTS2 has the 3 basic layers ...
Project is DEPRECATED, please go to ACLS shader:https://github.com/ACIIL/ACLS-Shaderfor all my modernizations and extendtions of this source. Intro: UTS2-ac shader, a git fork of UnityChanToonShaderVer2_Project (UTS2) with lighting improvements and bug fixes based on the v2.0.4+ version...
UnityChanToonShader性能 unity性能怎么样 Unity官方性能检测工具UPR使用心得 UPR是Unity官方推出的免费性能检测工具,近来功能较之前版本完善了许多,经笔者在正式项目中试用,与UWA的免费性能检测工具GPM作对比,发现UPR相较GPM更加好用。UPR的优势主要体现在下面几点:...
Unity-Chan Toon Shader (UTS) is a toon shader designed for cel-shaded 3DCG animations, offering creators the ability to easily produce essential shadows without worrying about light sources. This feature allows for a more streamlined workflow, as adjusting shadows can be done through ...