for (int it = 1; it < 3; it++) { sum += tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv[it*2-1]).rgb * weight[it]; sum += tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv[it*2]).rgb * weight[it]; } return fixed4(sum, 1.0); } ENDCG ZTest Always Cull Off ZWrite Off Pass { NAME "GAUSSIAN_BLUR_VERTICAL" CGPROGRA...
Have you ever done it? Have you ever taken an oath that this year will be different than the last? Were you ever certain that this year you will get stronger, thinner, healthier, sexier, more confident? Have you got struck by trauma, crisis, tragedy or loss? Have you vowed there and...
Cons: Unity can be very memory and also cpu-consuming and tends to crash from time to time, which can result in a significant loss of time. Also problematic are older projects and assets, as unity is updated frequently and backwards-compability, especially for asset-store items, is not alwa...
(1 - preGloss,-2) - 4; //UE4光滑度 开销:1sub+1pow+1fma = 1+3+1 = 5 //GGX粗糙度 开销:1sub+1mul+1mul = 3 half roughness = 1 - preGloss; roughness *= roughness; roughness *= roughness; //线性近似的几何遮蔽项(仅考虑粗糙度对镜面反射遮蔽的影响) fixed g = -0.68169*roughness...
“that almost 100 million Americans were exposed (to SV-40) through a government sponsored program, but for over 30 years, there has been virtually no government effort to see if anyone’s been harmed by the exposure.” He added, “The government will not fund science that makes it look ...
另外,在使用OpenGL的shader的时候,需要创建program,然后把shader绑定到program上,这个program之前我用过,但是没理解他具体是什么东西,这里的Program相当于当前渲染管线所使用的程序,是Shader的容器。 在Shader的Compile或Link阶段执行__debugbreak() 这里在报错的时候,需要调用spdlog来打印错误讯息,同时利用Assert宏提前终止De...
–Changed: Point data is now internally read as doubles instead of floats (to avoid loss of precision during scaling) –Changed: DX11 viewer & DX11 shaders now use less memory –Changed: Improved .LAS parsing PointDataRecordFormats #2 & #3 are now supported –Changed: With PointCloud2Mesh...
He further says a week has gone by in which they stuck together through rain and their mothers have prepared three meals for the labourers in the past 10 days. The villager says selflessness and care for one another with their belief in God has been their source of strength, ...
A Shader is a generic name for a program, or a collection of programs, running on the graphics processing unit (GPU). For instance, after the culling stage is completed, a vertex shader is used to transform the vertex coordinates of the visible objects from “object space” into a differen...
The Unity game engine represents the “physical” world of your program using an Entity Component System architecture. Each “object”, be it a character, a weapon, or a piece of the environment, is represented by an entity (referred to as GameObjects in the Unity engine). These entities ...