Download CamRig Udon based 'dolly'-style camera rig, allows setting a spline-based camera path and have the camera follow it smoothly. Put your in-game stream camera into the rainbow box and set it to world space so you can record the camera's perspective from the VRChat desktop window....
VRChatSDK下载: VRM插件下载: Unity下载: --- 好吧,大概是一期很水的教程 展开更多 知识 野生技能协会 视频教程 教学视频 模型 ...
VRChat内の鏡オブジェクトに表示した時、Offset_Camera_Zに不具合が発生するのを修正。 VRChat向けにMobile用クリッピングシェーダーのバリエーションを6つ追加。 2018/08/16: Release:MatcapMaskを追加 MatCapに、メッシュのUVベースで効果のかかり具合を調整できるMatcapMaskを追加。Matcapマ...
Finally, several techniques have been implemented to beautifully display characters in a variety of lighting environments, thanks to recent feedback from VRChat users. 【Users' Manual】 English manual for v.2.0.7 is available now. Users' manual is a document with plentiful knowledge of toon style...
This asset requires a specific version of Unity and the VRChat SDK to function! VRChat SDK Setup: Please visitSetting up the SDKand follow the steps to make sure you're using the correct version of Unity. The guide also contains a download link where you'll find the latest version of the...
Building and sharing custom VRChat rooms Preparing and building the world Summary Optimizing for Performance and Comfort Using the Unity Profiler and Stats The Stats window Overview of the Profiler Optimizing your art Setting up the scene Decimating models Transparent materials Levels of detail Optimizing...
我改的地方到底对不对,如果不对到底怎么改啊 分享12赞 vrchat吧 RainUwU 想做一个中文版的vrchat活动日历类似这个 分享227 bilibili吧 SRXEABYSS 育碧在官网宣布15后购买刺客信条大革命的可以获得退款原文:For purchases made ofAssassin’s Creed Unityin the last 2 days: In light of recent events we wanted...
地址在下面: Unity2017.3f1下载地址:
(推荐版本2017.4.28f1或2018.4.20)特别注意VRChat Avatar的正确尺寸; 【Blender免费3D原创软件】 导入文件到Blender,导出文件格式.fbx(官方指定上传网站支持设置骨骼绑定动画(Rig Skeleton) 免费视频教程B站搜索Blender,Up主辣椒酱2021年5月31日上传合集“Blender 2.9-3.0...