To start, create a new 3D Unity Project called ContosoTravelVR. First, change the timing of the world to a slower framerate. In the Edit | Project Settings | Time inspector, set Fixed Timestep = 0.01666666, set Maximum Allowed Timestep = 0.1666666 and Timescale = 1. Maximum Allowed Time...
是时候制作我们的第一个应用程序了!你应该在Unity为你创建的“SampleScene”中;从场景中删除“主摄像头”,方法是单击它并按下CANC键;在Project窗口中,转到Assets \ NRSDK \ Prefabs并将NRCameraRig预制件拖入场景。这将处理nReal眼镜的AR相机;拖动到场景中的NRInput预制件,将处理来自设备的输入;现在转到Asse...
导入之后会提示你进行升级并重启。 在Project窗口中打开oculus → SampleFramwork → Usage → HandsInteractionTrainScene 作为打包示例场景。 该场景是一个Oculus手势追踪的玩具火车场景。 接下来点击 File → ProjectSettings → XR Plugin Management → Install XR Plugin Management 3 点击运行按钮进行项目测试 接下来...
你应该在Unity为你创建的“SampleScene”中;从场景中删除“主摄像头”,方法是单击它并按下CANC键;在Project窗口中,转到Assets \ NRSDK \ Prefabs并将NRCameraRig预制件拖入场景。这将处理nReal眼镜的AR相机;拖动到场景中的NRInput预制件,将处理来自设备的输入;现在转到Assets \ NRSDK \ Emulator \ Prefabs并将NR...
🥽 3️⃣ VR Level 3 - New York City Landmarks in Mixed Reality This sample requires Unity 2022.3.11f or newer. This demo is intended for use with the Magic Leap 2 headset and SDK. In this scene, explore the New York City skyline visualized with Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles. Yo...
git submodule update --init The project was developed and tested for Unity Editor version 2022.3.37f1. Documentation Documentation for this project and the RADER package can be found in the Wiki linked to this project.About Example VR Unity project for RADER Resources Readme License BSD-3-...
同样右击SampleScene,创建一个Plane平面 这个Plane平面会作为地面,让我们感觉是站在地上的,不然运行到Pico上后,我们会找不到方向。 3. 运行项目 将你的Pico Neo3用USB数据线连接你的电脑,并且开启Neo3的开发者模式。(不知道怎么开启开发者模式的,请看这里:
Unity project brief description On the unity project, you will find "BlinksGazeVR" scene which contains the sample code and avatars used. In this scene, you can notice that there are two cameras. One of the cameras will be the VR camera (located at the XR Rig) and the other one is...
Adventure - Sample Game : VR Beginner: The Escape Room : ...