1、使用Vector3.SmoothDamp() static functionSmoothDamp(current: Vector3,target: Vector3,ref currentVelocity: Vector3,smoothTime: float,maxSpeed: float = Mathf.Infinity,deltaTime: float = Time.deltaTime) : Vector3 在大约以smoothTime的时间从current移动到target,其移动的当前速度为currentVelocity,此方法...
enumeration 描述 Contains electro-optical transfer function options. 变量 sRGBsRGB transfer function. BT1886ITU-R BT.1886 transfer function. PQSMPTE ST 2084 transfer function. LinearLinear transfer function. Gamma22Gamma 2.2 transfer function.
所以,一个完整的图像系统需要2个伽马值: - encoding gamma:它描述了encoding transfer function,即图像设备捕捉到的场景亮度值(scene radiance values)和编码的像素值(encoded pixel values)之间的关系。 - display gamma:它描述了display transfer function,即编码的像素值和显示的亮度(displayed radiance)之间的关系。
[Function("transfer", "bool")] public class TransferFunction : FunctionMessage { [Parameter("address", "_to", 1)] public string To { get; set; } [Parameter("uint256", "_value", 2)] public BigInteger TokenAmount { get; set; } } // Finally, smart contracts also have events. Event...
SHADOW_CASTER_FRAGMENT return 0; SHADOW_COORDS(1) float4 shadowCoord : TEXCOORD1; TRANSFER_SHADOW(o) TransformWorldToShadowCoord(inputData.positionWS) SHADOW_ATTENUATION(i) MainLightRealtimeShadow(shadowCoord),虽然GetMainLight(shadowCoord)也会处理它。请参见Lighting.hlsl和Shadows.hlsl(...
曲面细分的第一个步骤是曲面细分控制着色器(也称为Tessellation Control Shader,TCS),这个着色器将会输出控制点和细分因子。这个阶段主要由两个并行的函数组成:Hull Function和Patch Constant Function。 image-20240422145852440 这两个函数都接收一个个的Patch,即一组顶点索引,比如三角形则用三个数字表示顶点的索引。其中...
For an example of a native spatializer audio plugin, see theUnity Native Audio Plugin SDK. The plugin only supports a direct Head-Related Transfer Function (HRTF), and is intended for example purposes only. You can use a simple reverb, included in the plugin, to route audio data from the...
TRANSFER_VERTEX_TO_FRAGMENT(o); return o; } float4 frag(v2f i) : COLOR { //Get the color of the pixel from the texture float4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, i.uv); //Merge the colours c.rgb = (floor(c.rgb*_Tooniness)/_Tooniness); ...
;UNITY_TRANSFER_FOG(o, o.pos);TRANSFER_VERTEX_TO_FRAGMENT(o)return o;} //助手函数添加到这里 //创建的算法放在这里 float4 frag(VertexOutput i) : COLOR {//法线方向计算float3 normalDirection = normalize(i.normalDir);float3 lightDirection = normalize(lerp(_WorldSpaceLightPos0.xyz, _World...
TRANSFER_SHADOW(o); //【10】进行顶点正向相关的全局光照操作 o.ambientOrLightmapUV = VertexGIForward(v, posWorld, normalWorld); //【11】若定义了_PARALLAXMAP宏,则计算视差的视角方向并赋值 #ifdef _PARALLAXMAP //声明一个由切线空间的基组成的3x3矩阵“rotation” ...