cullingType Controls culling of this Animation component. localBounds AABB of this Animation animation component in local space.FunctionsStop Stops all playing animations that were started with this Animation. Rewind Rewinds the animation named name. Sample Samples animations at the current state. IsPla...
Stop Playing And Recompile Immediately stops your Scene for recompilation, allowing you to quickly restart testing. Code Optimization On Startup Choose whether to set code optimization mode to Debug or Release when the Unity Editor starts. Debug mode allows you to attach external debugger software,...
which is now inherited by children.")] public void SetActiveRecursively(bool state); [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] [Obsolete("gameObject.StopAnimation is not supported
如果你需要窗口显示时播放动画效果,那么覆盖doShowAnimation编写你的动画代码,并且在动画结束后调用onShown。 覆盖onShown编写其他需要在窗口显示时处理的业务逻辑。 调用Window.hide隐藏窗口的流程: 如果你需要窗口隐藏时播放动画效果,那么覆盖doHideAnimation编写你的动画代码,并且在动画结束时调用Window.hideImmediately(注意...
EaseFactory.StopMotion(int fps,Ease\AnimationCurve\EaseFunction ease) (定格运动)可以把ease作为参数传递进去,时ease效果像是定格动画一样。它可以应用于任何ease。 SetId(object id) 为一个tween设置id,可以使用DOTween的静态方法(DOTween.TweensById)通过ID来查找。id可以是一个int,string,object...。使用int或...
Note: Visit the Chroma Animation Guide to find the latest supported plugin for Chroma RGB. Note: This version of the Unity plugin is deprecated. Note: Go to Unity_SampleApp for the latest Unity plugin. UnityNativeChromaSDK - Unity native library for the ChromaSDK Table of Contents See also ...
Rider: Treat animation files as YAML (#2283) Rider: Hide rename solution and manage NuGet packages by default (RIDER-62297, #2277) Rider: Updates to handling of hidden assets in Unity Explorer (#2280) Rider: Improve notification when opening a Unity project as a folder (#2286) Unity edito...
Play on Awake: Starts emitting immediately when enabled. If this is turned off, you will have to manually activate the particle system with a script or Animation system. Emitter Velocity: Allows you to change the velocity of the emitter from Rigidbody to Transform. Max Particles: The upper...
// How high do we jump when pressing jump and letting go immediately public float baseHeight = 1.0f; // We add extraHeight units (meters) on top when holding the button down longer while jumping public float extraHeight = 4.1f;
You will not just be learning dry programming concepts, but applying them immediately to real indie games as you go. All the project files will be included, as well as additional references and resources - you'll never get stuck. There are talking-head videos, powerful diagrams, quality ...