In this lesson, you will learn how to configure sockets that objects can snap into in VR. By the end of this lesson, users will be able to hang hats up on hooks - and even wear the hats too! This lesson is part of the Create with VR course.
[1] = '/opt/unity/Editor/Data/MonoBleedingEdge/lib/mono/unityjit-linux' 2024-05-18T19:04:39.8445120Z Mono config path = '/opt/unity/Editor/Data/MonoBleedingEdge/etc' 2024-05-18T19:04:39.8447786Z Using monoOptions --debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,embedding=1,server=y,suspend=n,...
//管理跟客户端的链接的public class ClientPeer:Photon.SocketServer.ClientPeer{public string username;private Dictionary<byte,object>data=new Dictionary<byte,object>();publicClientPeer(InitRequest initRequest):base(initRequest){RemoteServer.Instance.peerList.Add(this);RemoteServer.log.Info("ip: "+init...
socket does not get closed Clean dynamic data task reports error WebInbox: Expired Password window does not allow user to regain focus WebInbox: Playback recording over TRaP and then sending results in error Replication set does not get updated during rollback DN: Certificates for remote locations...
socket does not get closed Clean dynamic data task reports error WebInbox: Expired Password window does not allow user to regain focus WebInbox: Playback recording over TRaP and then sending results in error Replication set does not get updated during rollback DN: Certificates for remote locations...
文件路径错误。Unity是跨平台游戏引擎开发商,是实时3D互动内容创作和运营平台,该平台简体中文下载失败,显示sockethangup是由于文件路径错误,重新选择路径即可下载。 unity编辑器应用有残留安装失败按如下操作:1、进行重新安装,实时创建RenderTexure,避免残留问题。2、使用专业的程序卸载工具,专业的卸载软件在卸载后能扫描软...
文件路径错误。Unity是跨平台游戏引擎开发商,是实时3D互动内容创作和运营平台,该平台简体中文下载失败,显示sockethangup是由于文件路径错误,重新选择路径即可下载。 软件和系统不兼容肯定会安装失败,就算安装了也会出现死机,或者打不开。 把新建的文件夹或者你自选的安装的文件夹的名字改成英文字母就好了。如果改文件名...