SetAsLastSibling Move the transform to the end of the local transform list. SetLocalPositionAndRotation Sets the position and rotation of the Transform component in local space (i.e. relative to its parent transform). SetParent Set the parent of the transform. SetPositionAndRotation Sets the wor...
parentParent that will be assigned to the new object. instantiateInWorldSpaceWhen you assign a parent Object, pass true to position the new object directly in world space. Pass false to set the Object’s position relative to its new parent. ...
transform.SetParent(parent.transform); transform.SetParent(parent.transform,false); 设置物体的父对象 当worldPositionStays设为false时,设置父子关系之后,子对象的transform组件保持与未建立关系之前一致;否则物体的在世界坐标下的位置保持不变 public void SetPositionAndRotation(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation);...
transform.Translate(Vector3 translation,Space relativeTo):用来移动物体的函数。 transform.Rotate(Vector3 eulers):用来旋转物体的函数 transform.SetPositionAndRotation(Vector3 position,Quaternion rotation):设置旋转和位置 transform.SetParent(Transform parent):设置父物体 transform.SetAsFirstSibling():将转换移到本...
transform.parent 物体的父级的变换属性 public Vector3 position { get; set; } transform.position 物体在世界坐标系下的位置属性 public Vector3 right { get; set; } transform.right 世界空间中,物体的(变换组件的)x轴 应当注意当物体旋转角度后,其自身的坐标轴也随之变换,使用“transform.right”可以获取物...
{ // Interpolate from point a to point b by a percentage each frame, // in this case 10 percent (.1 float). var targetPosition = new Vector3(10,0,15); transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(parentRig.position, targetPosition, .1f); } // Method 3 void Update...
18 cube.transform.position = transform.TransformPoint(new Vector3(0, 0, 2)); 19 //将小盒子设定为读取对象的子对象, 保证跟随运动 20 cube.transform.SetParent(transform); 21 //去掉物理交互 22 cube.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().isKinematic = true; ...
JavaScript => public function SetParent(parent: Transform, worldPositionStays: bool): void C# => public void SetParent(Transform parent,…
Camera.ViewportToScreenPoint(Vector3 position):将视口坐标转换为屏幕坐标。 4.全局坐标系与视口坐标系 Camera.WorldToViewportPoint(Vector3 position):将全局坐标转换为视口坐标。 Camera.ViewportToWorldPoint(Vector3 position):将视口坐标转换为全局坐标。 camera.nearClipPlane Z的位置是以世界单位衡量的到相机的距...
SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis axis, float size); 修改长宽,这种情况会修改物体的布局, 但是可以避免通过修改 sizeDelta 来修改长宽带来的错误 3.3 SetInsetAndSizeFromParentEdge 修改距离父物体边缘距离,和自身对应的长宽 如修改left 和 width ...