简单说就是,首先需要安装android studio,然后在Tools>SDK Manager中,找到SDK Tools面板,如下 然后在右下角取消勾选 Hide Obsolete Packages选项,意思是 取消隐藏废弃的Packages 然后寻找Android SDK Tools(Obsolete)勾选后再点击左边的下载图标,然后选择Apply,等待下载完成 这里原因应该也比较清楚了,可能是新版本的SDK用...
发现用于制作游戏的优质资源。从我们种类繁多的 2D、3D 模型、SDK、模板和工具目录中进行选择,加快您的游戏开发进程。
Windows 10 ProUnity 2018.4.18f1Android Studio 3.6.3起きた問題Android Studio から SDK Managerで対象のプラットフ…
升级到2022.3.14f1后,打安卓包报错: UnityException:Android SDK not found Unabletodetect SDKinthe selected directory.D:\android-sdk-windows\cmdline-tools\latest\bin\sdkmanager.bat does not exist.Android SDK command-line tools componentisnot found.Make sure"Command-line Tools (latest)"isinstalledinthe...
Fixed bug UVS-42: Unity connectivity logo in the status bar doesn't handle mouse events in VS 2012. Fixed bug UVS-44: CTRL+SHIFT+Q isn't available in VS 2012 for Quick MonoBehaviours. Fixed bug UVS-40: Selected items in the Unity Project Explorer are unreadable when the window is inac...
General: Update asset labels so that External Dependency Manager works even if files in Firebase SDK are moved. Firestore: Added Query.WhereArrayContains() query operator to find documents where an array field contains a specific element. Firestore: Added FieldValue.ArrayUnion() and FieldValue.Arra...
VRC.SDK3A.Editor.VRCSdkControlPanelAvatarBuilder+<>c.<CreateContentInfoGUI>b__85_0 (System.String selected) (at ./Packages/com.vrchat.avatars/Editor/VRCSDK/SDK3A/VRCSdkControlPanelAvatarBuilder.cs:1367) 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2024-11-10 13:37回复 ...
While UTF8 or UTF16 can be selected during serialization, it is not necessary to specify it during deserialization. It will be automatically detected and deserialized normally. Additionaly you can get/set IServiceProvider? ServiceProvider { get; init; } from options. It is useful to get DI ...
You can then import the resulting.zptfile into the following folderAssets/StreamingAssetsin Unity (you will need to create aStreamingAssetsfolder insideAssetsif one doesn't exist). Please note that you will have to manually drag and drop the.zptfile into theStreamingAssetsfolder, as Unity will no...
Error: Object doesn't support this property or method. After pressing Yes/No in the dialog box, the browser is left blank except for the Cisco Unity Banner. Workaround The following workarounds are available: 1. This problem does not exist in Unity version 4.0(1) and higher. ...