Scenes in Build 区域下方的 Platform 区域列出了您的 Unity 版本可用的所有平台。某些平台可能会显示为灰色,表示它们不属于您的版本,或者用于邀请您下载平台特定的构建选项。选择其中一个平台将控制将构建哪个平台。如果更改目标平台,则需要按“Switch Platform”按钮应用更改。此过程可能需要一些时间进行切换,因为可能需要...
对于新建的 Unity 工程,可借助“自动化生成项目脚本模板”工具,依据 QFramework 的规则生成初始化模板,生成后在全局设置里更改当前框架(Architecture)。1.全局设置:提供专门的全局设置窗口,便捷管理和切换 HKUnityTools 所应用的框架(Architecture),并配置各类工具的启用状态。
SceneObject.cs - Unity scene object to easily assign scenes in the inspector Unity3d-Tags-Filters - Extending a Unity3d Inspector window to show int tags UnityEditorJunkie - Editor scripts to make working with the Unity Editor better UnityExtensions.InspectInline - Enables you to inspect and edi...
Scenes contain the objects of your game. They can be used to create a main menu, individual levels, and anything else. Think of each unique Scene file as a unique level. In each Scene, you will place your environments, obstacles, and decorations, essentially designing and building your game...
These renders can be in the final product - no post production required. Quickly create multiple versions of scenes for review. Build your world first, then explore to find shots organically. Streamline workflows and dramatically reduce labour costs and production time while deepening relationships ...
Compression MethodCompress the data in your Project at build time. This includes Assets, Scenes, Player settings, and GI data. Choose between the following methods: DefaultDefault compression is set toNone. LZ4A fast compression format that is useful for development builds. LZ4 compression can sign...
Unity supports both 2D and 3D game development, with a variety of tools and features specifically for 2D games. “Unity in Action” includes dedicated content on building 2D platformers, showcasing Unity’s versatility in game creation.
- Model does not include any backgrounds or scenes used in preview images. - The object has fully unwrapped UVs. - Lights and cameras are not included in the model file. Technical details *** **Verts/Faces:** - WodeenPlatform001 - 472/348 - WoodenPlatform002 - 232/172 - WoodenPla...
The framework favors multiscene architecture in Unity. The concept is simple: you have one main scene that can be only changed for another scene and subscenes that can be added/removed when needed. Normally scene will have a logic layer of the framework. This will be explained further....
In this challenge, you'll apply the skills you learned while making your VR Room in an architecture review app. In this prototype, the user can examine a building at real-world scale, inspect a miniature 3d model and floor plan of that building, and even